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About This Procedure

You may have asked yourself, “If I feel so good, why should I look so old?” The good news is you don’t have to. If you show signs of facial aging, we can turn the clock back twenty years with a deep-plane facelift. Our predictable facelift procedure will make you look like a younger version of yourself without any tell-tale signs that you had a facelift.

We use the most advanced techniques in plastic surgery to provide spectacular results that few can compare with. If you are considering facial rejuvenation, you should research your options. Facelift procedures vary, and so do the results.

Beware of these clever, catch-phrase facelift procedures:

  • Smart lift
  • Lifestyle lift
  • Quick lift
  • Lunch hour lift
  • S lift
  • Quicky lift
  • String lift

These are ALL mini-lifts and will leave you with a mini result.

Although many surgeons promote these facelifts, the mini-lift is an outdated and inadequate procedure dating back to the 1920s and 1930s. The results from these procedures are both limited and disappointing. Mini-lift procedures are generally performed today by practitioners with little training.

The science of facial rejuvenation has advanced greatly since the 1920s, so don’t settle for hundred-year-old technology when it comes to your health and appearance. At Fairbanks Plastic Surgery, you can expect to achieve optimal results with state-of-the-art science utilizing the deep plane approach into the anatomic release zone.

One common question patients ask us is, “How long will my facelift last?” The answer is simple, “The younger you go, the longer it will last.” The diagram below shows the age of your appearance with and without a deep-plane facelift.

Compare a deep-plane facelift with no facelift at all

We look our best between the ages of 18 and 35. There is a time in which the aging process becomes apparent. Not everyone ages at the same rate. Some people may have premature aging, and these people are exceptional candidates for facelift surgery.
The upward incline line on the graph represents the aging process. The most common age for a facelift is 52 years. If one undergoes a limited facelift, the results are generally disappointing, and the patient soon looks like they did before surgery.
If a patient undergoes a correctly performed deep-plane facelift into the anatomical release zone, the results are the maximum possible reversal of aging without looking tight, stretched, or strange. The goal is to go back to our optimal appearance or as close to it as possible. Going as young as possible is essential because we will continue to age after having a facelift. The time will come when we will once again look similar to how we looked at the time of our original facelift. However, we will keep looking much younger than our actual age, usually around 20 years younger.
For example, if you received a facelift when you were 55 years old, you would look around 35 years old after the procedure. In 20 years, you’d look 55 years old again; still 20 years younger than your actual age.
Please don’t confuse facelift surgery with facial resurfacing procedures (e.g., laser treatments, chemical peels, or dermabrasion). Facial resurfacing refers to skin surface destruction, which then heals on the surface only. While beneficial in some instances, you cannot expect to attain anything comparable to the rejuvenation and youthful appearance you can have through a medically advanced and well-performed facelift operation. Resurfacing procedures also take longer to heal and have more downtime.
The most important thing to avoid when considering a facelift procedure is the tell-tale signs of having had a facelift. We call these deformities “facelift stigmata.” Only a natural, younger-looking result should be acceptable to you. Don’t settle for the harmful effects of an inferior facelift (e.g., missing sideburns, scars, hair loss, unsightly stitch or staple marks, ear deformities, a “stretched” appearance, etc.). You can avoid these undesirable results by choosing a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon.
At Fairbanks Plastic Surgery, we have been able to avoid these unsightly features by perfecting our medically advanced procedure, which will give you the youthful appearance you want without looking tight, stretched, or strange. We also employ special techniques to minimize bruising and swelling. Generally speaking, patients can plan to resume public appearances in 12 – 14 days.
If you have been considering cosmetic surgery to achieve a more youthful appearance, be sure to call us. One of our plastic surgeons will be happy to explain the Fairbanks Deep Plane Facelift and show you the fantastic results we can achieve.

Five Things to Avoid in Facelift Surgery

  1. You don’t want to look abnormal, so avoid procedures that place tension only on the skin. These procedures will leave you looking stretched and odd.
  2. You don’t want to lose hair, so avoid procedures that alter your hairline.
  3. You don’t want to have ear deformities, so avoid procedures that deform the tragus (the door over the ear canal) or make the earlobes look pulled. “Pixie-ears” are an obvious sign that a person has had a careless facelift.
  4. Avoid unpredictable procedures that rob you of your money and don’t provide the result you want. Be sure to select a board-certified plastic surgeon and carefully review their past work.
  5. Above all, avoid the so-called “mini-lift” and all the catchy marketing names it goes by. Medical science has made significant advances since the mini-lifts of the 1920s. Quick procedures can never achieve the long-lasting beauty of a deep-plane facelift into the anatomic release zone, so please avoid them.

The Fairbanks Facelift

Unlike many other types of facelifts, our facelift is predictable. It achieves a maximum of rejuvenation or youthfulness. It is longer lasting. It allows you to avoid ALL the tell-tale signs of having had a facelift. Our deep-plane facelift into the anatomic release zone is the gold standard of facelifts procedures. If you have undergone a lesser facelift and are dissatisfied with the results, we may be able to help you, so please call our office and come in for an evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How soon can I go out in public after the Fairbanks Facelift without it being noticeable?
Answer: Generally, a patient can go out in public two weeks following their surgery without others realizing they’ve had a facelift.

Question: How much pain can I expect after surgery?
Answer: Postoperative pain is usually minimal. It decreases every day, and after three days, you should be pain-free.

Question: How long will the swelling last?
Answer: Most of the swelling (75% to 85%) will be gone by three weeks. 100% of the swelling will be gone by three months.

Question: Will other people be able to tell I’ve had a facelift?
Answer: It is doubtful that others will notice you’ve had a facelift. Unless they have a photographic memory, they won’t be able to tell. Instead, you’ll simply look like a younger version of yourself.

Question: Are lasers an effective treatment for facial rejuvenation?
Answer: Using powerful light waves to create burns in living tissue is one of the most overrated modalities in medical practice. While lasers are helpful for the reduction/removal of tattoos and for creating scar tissue inside the eye to secure a detached retina, the use of lasers in cosmetic surgery is limited.

One must understand that a burn is a burn, whether caused by heat, light, electrical energy, or chemicals. Doctors may have more control with lasers than with other burn methods, but laser burns cannot compare with the facial rejuvenation you will achieve through optimal surgical facelift techniques. The downtime for healing is also longer for laser burns.

The mortgages doctors take out to buy expensive laser machines incentivize them to burn everyone they can. At Fairbanks Plastic Surgery, we perform surgery; we do not burn our patients with lasers.


Be sure to watch the video above on facial rejuvenation. This video includes patient testimonials.

Facelift Before and After

facelift before and after

Optimal Facelift

facelift before and after

Twenty-year Facelift With Necklift

Before and after pictures of a facelift on a female



Male Facial Rejuvenation Before and After

facelift before and after

Male Facelift Pictures


Male Facelift Before and After

The Fairbanks Facelift


Before and after pictures of a facelift procedure

Facial Rejuvenation Pictures

Female Facelift Before and After

Fairbanks Facelift

facelift before and after

Female Facelift

facelift before and after

Female Facelift With Necklift

female facelift before and after


*All before and after photos are real patients of Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. Identifiable images are used with patient permission.